
Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Calculating asteroid impact effects the self-service way 

Ever since those twin turkeys, "Deep Impact" and "Armageddon" hit the movie screens, discussions on asteroid impact have gone mainstream. Now, 3 researchers at the University of Arizona have put together a Impact Effects site that lets you, gentle user, work out the catastrophic effects of an asteroid collision with earth. Users can choose the size and type of asteroid and also the distance from impact. The program will work out the devastation for you, combining data from earthquakes and nuclear explosions alongwith "complex equations." Specifically, the program works out thermal radiation, earthquakes, debris thrown out and the air blasts that occur in the wake of an impact.

Indeed, a very pleasant way to spend your Sunday afternoon or any other afternoon, for that matter. For more specific information on asteroids etc, you could also visit the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous Mission.