
Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Insight of sorts 

Every time I try to figure out why Americans make decisions that befuddle me (in this case, the re-election of Bush), I come across a nugget of information that offers some insight on why things play out the way they do. I came across these paragraphs in a recent National Geographic story titled Was Darwin Wrong?

According to a Gallup poll drawn from more than a thousand telephone interviews conducted in February 2001, no less than 45 percent of responding U.S. adults agreed that "God created human beings pretty much in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years or so." Evolution, by their lights, played no role in shaping us.

Only 37 percent of the polled Americans were satisfied with allowing room for both God and Darwin—that is, divine initiative to get things started, evolution as the creative means. (This view, according to more than one papal pronouncement, is compatible with Roman Catholic dogma.) Still fewer Americans, only 12 percent, believed that humans evolved from other life-forms without any involvement of a god.

The most startling thing about these poll numbers is not that so many Americans reject evolution, but that the statistical breakdown hasn't changed much in two decades. Gallup interviewers posed exactly the same choices in 1982, 1993, 1997, and 1999. The creationist conviction—that God alone, and not evolution, produced humans—has never drawn less than 44 percent. In other words, nearly half the American populace prefers to believe that Charles Darwin was wrong where it mattered most.

I will not even ask what these people think of the recent discovery in Indonesia of Homo floresiensis. I will console myself with the thought that the source if this story, the National Geographic magazine, is also a fantastic American institution.