
Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Whale Suicides and Tsunamis 

This is new post, but since I wanted Tsunami Relief to remain the primary post on the blog, I have adjusted the dates to ensure this comes up below the main post.

(Via Aditya) This was a post made by an Indian nauralist on a Princeton mailing list on Dec 4th, 2004. Absolutely surreal.

To: nathistory-india@Princeton.EDU

It is my observation, confirmed over the years, that mass suicides of whales and dolphins that occur sporadically all over the world, are in someway related to change and disturbances in the electromagnetic field coordinates and possible re-alignments of geotectonic plates thereof. Tracking the dates and plotting the locales of tremors and earthquakes, I am resonably certain that major earthquakes usually follow within a week or two of mass breaching of cetacians. I have noted with alarm, the last week's report of such mass deaths of marine mammals in an Australian beachside. I will not be surprised if within a few days a massive [earthquake] hits some part of the globe. The inter-relationship between the unusual 'death-wish' of pods of whales and its inevitable aftermath,the earthquake, may need a further impassioned and unbiased looking into. Dr Arunachalam Kumar